- Established the third factory
- The first company in ASIA producing ARM&HAMMER toothpaste by OEM
- Extended a factory site / Introduced automation equipment system for baking soda
- Enrolled as a partner with NO BRAND Corp. / Extended a factory and introduced injection molding line.
- Expanded production capacity
- Installed the second anchorless toothbrush with 3 dimensional AFT.
- Produced Yuhan Corp. ARM&HAMMER baking soda detergent
- Developed Aekyung Co., Ltd. anchorless toothbrush.
- Exported toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss to JOLLYDENT Inc in Syria.
- Exported toothbrushes to MY CHOICE Inc in Thailand.
- Enrolled cosmetic manufacture and sale.
- Acquired the Certificate of Hygiene products Manufacturing License.
- Purchased and installed the anchorless toothbrush with 3 dimensional AFT from Boucherie, Belgium.
- Produced Aekyung Co., Ltd. 2080 toothpaste by OEM
- Exported DENTALSYS toothpaste in Russia.
- Established R&D Center certified by Korea Industrial Technology Association.
- Developed industrial cooperation a dental school at Seoul National University and developed e-solution toothbrushes and ultra-dental floss.
- Exported CONCORD toothbrushes in Dubai.
- Exported WHITE SKY toothbrushes and toothpaste in China.
- Exported SHINE toothbrushes in Myanmar.
- Enrolled as a partner with AMOREPACIFIC Corp.
- Constructed a new factory in Munsan High Tech Industrial Complex.
- Introduced toothpaste automation product line.
- Acquired the Certificate of Quasi drug Manufacturing License.

- Enrolled as a partner for CJ LION and initiated to supply toothbrushes.
- Enrolled as a partner for LION KOREA.
- Exported Aekyung Co., Ltd. 2080 dental floss in Iran
- Installed Injection molding Machines To make toothbrush handles.
- Developed an anchorless toothbrush with Frisetta Co., Germany.
- Exported cleardent toothbrushes for specialized dental clinic in Japan.
- Purchased and installed the IDM (Interdental Brush Manufacturing Machine) from Boucherie, Belgium
- Registered a patent for the straight and angle interdental brushes.
- Enrolled as a partner with Yuhan Corp. and developed the DENTAL CARE toothbrush brand.
- Exported toothbrushes, interdental brushes and dental floss to RE TRUST Inc in Japan.
- Developed and started to supply SKYDENT® toothbrushes for dentists.
- Enrolled as a partner with SKYDENT®
- Research and development dental floss, interdental brushes and tongue cleaners.
- Enrolled as a partner for Gillette Korea and initiated to supply toothbrushes.
- Exported interdental brushes and dental floss to Daiei Inc in Japan.
- Development and exported kids toothbrushes with Tturi, an animated character, of MBC production.
- Relocated a factory for expansion.
- Established C&C Co., Ltd.
- Enrolled as a partner with Aekyung Co., Ltd. and initiated to supply toothbrushes.
- Exported toothbrushes to Daiei Inc in Japan.
- Exported toothbrushes to Pilou Inc in Philippines.